A Cry for Help

I am never alone

nor the ghosts inside my head

the darkness never seems so scary

this is our home

me and the voices

the world frightens them

we like hiding

we keep running

we pretend like fine

but never better

“I’m okay”

tell the same lie

people will never understand

that they cannot help

without reaching the demons first

help, me!

tell them to leave me alone!

make the voices disappear!


2 thoughts on “A Cry for Help

  1. This is such a powerful one, could I share on my Lyrix&Life , with a reply from me, in verse, posted on my site ?
    I’m an artist poet, with a lefty guitar that I steal poems from.
    Whoa your work is beautiful, poignant. Thank you and do let me know.

    1. Yes, yes of course… with all my pleasure!
      Thank you for reading, it means a lot to me 🙂 Also thank you for the kind words. If you did not put on a comment here, I would have not known that you also share such beautiful posts 🙂 Thank you so much!

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